is an introduction to the world of the ancient Roman people and to the Latin language. Students will learn both to see Latin as an important part of that world and to view that world through Latin. Emphasis will thus be on the elements of the language: alphabet and pronunciation, parts of speech, morphology (word-formation), vocabulary (including English derivatives), grammatical/syntactical rules, and strategies for reading and translation. Students can expect homework and weekly quizzes. Grades will be given. The Latin Unit 1 textbook purchase will be necessary. |
August 19–January 24 (23 weeks)* |
*September 2 (Labor Day Observed) |
*October 14 (Indigenous Peoples' Day Observed) |
*November 11 (Veteran's Day Observed) |
*November 25–30 (Thanksgiving Recess) |
*December 23–January 5 (Winter Recess) |
August 19–January 24 (23 weeks)* |
*November 11 (Veteran's Day Observed) |
*November 25–30 (Thanksgiving Recess) |